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Jujutsu Kaisen Season 3 to adapt Culling Games Arc, here’s what we know so far

Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the most popular Japanese manga of all time. Written and illustrated by Gege Akutami, it was first serialised in the Weekly Shonen Jump in 2018. Over time, as it sold millions of copies worldwide, the action-fantasy manga was adapted into an anime series of the same name by studio MAPPA. The animated series first premiered in October 2020, with the Season 1 finale airing on March 27, 2021.
Following its huge success, the anime was greenlit for another season. However, it wasn’t until 2023 that Season 2 was released. While Season 1 consisted of 24 episodes, there were only 23 in the second season. Shortly after the finale episode aired, Season 3 was confirmed to be in the works by TOHO Animation, with early sketches.
Considering the surreal animation that the famed anime is known for, the production house is likely to take ample time to release Season 3. It is quite likely that the release of the third season will be similar to the time stamp between the release dates for the first two seasons.
As Season 2 didn’t arrive until July 2023, despite the Season 1 finale airing in March 2021, the next season is most likely to follow the same timeline. This means that the release window could be mid to late 2025. As there hasn’t been any official confirmation yet, there could be possible delays due to MAPPA working on a potential movie for Chainsaw Man.
The third season of JJK will adapt the Culling Games Arc from Akutami’s hit manga series. With the end of the Shibuya Incident Arc in Season 2, the next thrilling segment of the Shonen manga will introduce new characters and more dangerous threats, both familiar and unfamiliar.
It will pick up right after Gojo’s exile and Yuji’s death sentence, which fans saw in the previous episode, with Yuta being named his executioner. In addition to the Culling Games Arc, the new season will also address the Perfect Preparation Arc, which sees the sorcerers preparing for the Culling Games.
While the first season comprised 24 episodes, the second season had only 23. Season 3 is likely to have the same number of episodes as the latter. This is because it will be adapted from chapters 159 to 221, which is similar to Season 2’s Shibuya Arc.
